Thanks, unfortunately, these long multi-camera videos (In addition to all the video editing, cropping, sharpening etc) puts an incredible strain on my PC. I wish I could afford a 'decent' video editing PC that could handle the strain processing videos so that there's no lag. Lag makes it difficult to play the video through while editing because I might miss an error, or have a 'rough' transition from scene to scene, only seeing it after outputting the whole file, only to have to correct, then reprocess again.
The hardest to do was the BGDays 2016 "Movie" video I made to send out as gift this last Xmas, because I used 5 cameras' media.
If I had access to your video when I originally put this together, it might have been worth it, but I don't think the audio is that much more improved to make it worth going through adding it to what I already have. One of the challenges of editing multiple tracks of media is aligning the audio to the video and Haley's singing, which would be potentially really frustrating because of the lag on my computer every time I had to move the audio track ever so slightly in order to sync the audio to Haley's mouth.
That's why it usually takes me a long time to output these sorts of video, it's basically a marathon and a test of my patience having to reboot my PC to clear out memory or having it just simply crash on me in the middle of progress only have to go through it again. The only thing that would make me revisit and re-do this is miracles of miracles, the On Board audio does exist AND Haley allows me to use it**.... someday, I hope
**Even though Haley has said she trusts my judgement on what I post to my channel, it's been my experience that IF I ask Haley for permission, IF she replies, it's usually in a way where I'm prevented from posting it. I have video that I have asked her permission to post, one example the SMYM Behind the Scenes video (during the shoot, she told us that she wanted to see any video from the shoot before we post it). She has yet to give me permission to post it, and as I posted earlier, I don't push it w/ Haley, so if she says she wants to give the OK, I'm not going to ask her again. I also have video w/ onboard audio that is good enough, IMO, that Haley could sell it w/ some processing, but I've processed it w/ my video and submitted to her, only for her to tell me she wants to post it on her channel, which means don't post it on yours. So even if this audio for Lincoln Hall does exist, my experience is, it's doubtful she would give me permission to use it. I might ask her again some day, I think for the most part, the LH video is really good, especially Barb's close ups, but will wait for some time to pass to bring it up again