Comment exchange on HOTRS, Idol:
Still listening to this 2021. Whoever's idea it was for her to sing this is a genius.
Quote:Harry Reinhart
My 'late' sister Marilyn, begged me (Haley's mom) to hav her sing this tune on AI show many months before Haley was actually able to even do so; plus then suggest it to producers & also get tune cleared. U see back then, there were weekly "Themes" that contestants had to follow when picking their songs, so we had to keep putting H.O.T.R.Sun..on hold)....but Marilyn kept telling me she had this 'premonition' & Haley HAS TO DO it, because "She's gonna BRING DOWN the HOUSE". Boy was she right!! My specially gifted sister also had witnessed Haley's fabulous performance that nite... ..because we brought her with us to the California show & needless to say, she was surprised to hear & sooo pleased that we listened to her! Thx.4 askin': "whose idea"? x3fineaswine.