Some fun happenings when it was easy to talk during 1 1/2 hours of dinner sitting next to Harry, was him telling me about how White Sox retired number #35 and sure future Hall of Famer FRANK THOMAS & his wife came to Firkin where Harry & Peter were playing and walked up to Harry and said "I saw you on American Idol because we were voting for Your Daughter Haley and I wanna shake your hand" Harry was as starstruck by Frank Thomas as I was the first time I met Haley!! Harry told Frank: "This is incredible that you know me when I worshipped you ever since your rookie year!!!!!!!" You could just see Harry's face bubbling up with excitement as he was telling me the story.
Later when Patti was sitting next to me she called Haley on her cellphone and handed the phone to me to say a few words to Haley!! I got myself under control and said a few coherent sentences. I also got word about Haley's lovelife but I can't say any details.
During Casey's first set break outside on the street I chatted with him and he remembered me as the "Wise Beard" at the meet & greets and at the Wheeling Lighting Ceremony. I did invite him to the Labor Day party and he asked what day like he was really considering flying in for that weekend until he realized it wouldn't be possible. A second time when I went outside Patti was chatting with Casey & his band and I was taking photos with Casey's cellphone (since I left my camera back on the table inside)(dummy me) and Patti's friends cell. Patti's friend took a great photo of me & Patti with Casey & his band behind us and I hope I can get a copy of it somehow.
I saw Casey have at least 4 Tequilla shots and by the end of the show he was really feeling it as he sat down on the front of the stage with mic in hand in front of a few gorgeous girls that were worshiping him and he was running his hands thru her hair while he was singing and pulled her close so their foreheads were touching... singing into her lips only a few inches away. It was interesting.
I also had Casey autograph my Sox hat below Haley's autograph with Harry's autograph on the inside along with Gina Glocksen's. A hat autographed with two 6th place finishers and a 3rd place American Idol and the only parent of a contestant to ever perform on the Idol stage would probably bring a pretty penny on ebay if I ever chose to sell it.
Casey was selling homemade burned CD's of his album outside during the set break with a very simple folded 8 1/2 x 11 plain paper envelope with his band's autograph:
![[Image: homemadeCD_zps38543bfe.jpg]](
and I had him sign the Memorex plain yellow CD.