Initially, I like the chorus, but can't get past the quality of the audio, but it does have a cool, lazy afternoon, summertime vibe to it.
With the songs she's released so far, Haley is making it really hard for 'them' to pigeon hole her, such a different feeling and sound to every song
(Remember someone at IDF showed how you can get the mp3 of this audio).
Once you've been to the page with the audio/video,
Go to explorer window's "Tools" (upper left of your explorer window)
>Internet Options
>in 'browsing history' click 'settings'
>'view files'
>Temporary Internet Files folder fills up, scroll to the bottom, look for 'mp3' files and the name of the site you want to get it from.
>Once you locate it, select it, copy it, then paste it on your desktop or in a folder.
It doesn't always work (doesn't work for youtube), but it works in this instance. If the audio of Wonderland was clearer, I would have edited it to keep it, but I'll wait for a better audio. (I was able to get Haley's National Anthem from Satchvai's post this way)