(06-20-2013, 06:53 AM)buzzenator Wrote: I am headed to Target Field today, taking my broom, for what hopefully will be the sweep of Las Medias Blancas.
(insert Haley Yell here)
The basement-battling Twinkies (or do you say "
gemelos") will suffer a
game loss to the Las Medias Blancas so you can use that broom for a better purpose to fly to Chicago...if both you and the Mrs. can fit on it.
>>edit: OK...I feel like I just went thru a BUZZsaw watching Las Medias Blancas Blankity, Blank, Blanks (my TV screen has heard all those swear words out loud for crying out loud). I'm embarrassed that I built a mecca of homage to Las Medias Blancas in my backyard with the way they've stunk up as a poor excuse for a major league team. Robin Ventura & staff have no clue how to right the sinking ship. You can swab the decks with your broom as the water gets swept over the bow.<<
WOW! I just graduated to "POSTING FREAK" !! As a Freak I would fit right in with Cousin Itt when Haley wears her glasses on the back of her head!
p.s. I sure wish Haley Reinhart could use her "Inspiring Others" talents on H.E.R. White Sox.