RE: Haley's in the studio!
I'll tell you what i did ,maybe you can do something with it.If you notice on the video with Mayfield there are people takeing pics. So that light's up the stage and you can see all the backgrounds. Haleys face the.the musicians and Irven.So what i did was find the place where the flash is and than stop the video, and take a pic of it on the puter screen.You have to do a lot of searching around, and follow the little curser on the bottom of the screen, It takes time , but it can be done. Around 7.09 and i think 9.56, there about 5 pics that you can take, and you can see Haleys face. She is really gitting into her singing. If you want to try it go for it. Don't use a flash caust it will show a bad reflection on the screen Good luck