I don't get the Chris Brown popularity and am not part of his fans' demographic, so maybe that's why I don't see Arin's 'marketability'. Besides his looks, he doesn't stand out in any other way, especially, vocally.
To me, if it wasn't for the fact that Arin fills a niche (young, R&B and the only male among the girls), talent wise, he should have been the one to go home instead of Diamond.
CeCe, I liked initially, but something about her makes me think she is less than she projects. Certainly she has the vocal chops and above average looks, but there's a 'too good to be true' aspect to her that makes me hesitant to believe it.
Her 'crocodile' tears, the multiple times she's tried to affect vulnerability, crying with no tears, is really off putting to me. I think even though in her 20's, she is emotionally immature so over exagerates her feelings, or what she thinks others expect her to feel. I tend to think that she is actually VERY insecure, and this act she has been playing is a way of keeping people out, and not really confidence. As far as marketability? Perhaps...it depends if she can stand out among other, more talented acts with similar accoutrements. If she
happens to also be able to write good songs, will be what she needs to make her stand out.
I didn't mean Simon wanted to make Emblem 3 his US 1D as in the same genre of music, only in that he wants a popular, young boy band in the States that could be as successful as 1D, to prove he is still a relevant hit maker in the US. (After the abysmal failure of the Melanie Amaro experiment)
I thought it was funny in the live performance that Arin followed Paige in the live performance, someone at mjs called it....Rhianna and Chris Brown 2.0 (Don't put it past XF, that they had that in mind as far a marketability...

I can see your comparison between Jenell and Kelly Clarkson, but the biggest difference, for me, is that Kelly is and has always given off a 'genuine' quality about her. I still feel Jenell is putting on an act which makes it hard for me to connect with her.
The other difference...Kelly has TONS more talent than Jenell. It's not even fair to compare Kelly's superior vocals to what Jenell does. So far, Jenell is a one trick pony (which makes me wonder is this 'sex kitten' performance style how Jenell performs in front of her family and friends?

). If anything Kelly is not a one trick pony and proved that on AI.
Beatrice...too young to project out about her. I don't expect her to win because of her youth and inexperience, I figure, 6th place. She does have that uniquely, undefinable quality about her as a starting point. I'd be really interested to see what she makes of it in 5 years.
I agree with you about Carly...maybe going the way of Rachel Crow with Nickelodeon or Disney. Broadway is not a bad alternative either...tons of AI alum took that route.
Jason probably is slated for a Vegas type of career, which isn't terrible. I would also add that his talent could go a long way in the lesbian/gay/transgendered community. It was in major part due to that community that helped lift ABBA back into global consciousness, which resulted in a long running Broadway act, a hit movie version of the Broadway show (Mamma Mia is the highest grossing musical movie worldwide according to
Wiki), and putting ABBA into the Rock and Roll Hall of Fame. He could do very well for the rest of his life, if he is able to tap that market.
I think Vino's apparent anger issues and potential for self-destruction will make it hard for people to know him for his talent...but, yeah, his age won't help...