Casey performed in Chicago at Schubas, on Saturday, August 29th. It is a small Chicago venue with a bar, restaurant, and a musical venue in the back of the place. I attended with Pennylane, and we were able to snag a table right to next to the stage.

Casey ROCKED the house that night!!! There was none of the usual Casey shenanigans except for an impromptu rap battle with an audience member (who I found out was a classmate of Casey's at IdleWild Arts Academy.
We knew there was a back up band before Casey, but did not know till we got there that there were 3 bands scheduled after Casey too!
So he only played for an hour but it was packed with rock like I haven't heard him for awhile. I call it Casey's Rock Tour!

The venue maybe holds 150 people and was pretty full. After Casey's show, he signed autographs, and took pictures till they asked him to step into the hall area so the next band could set up. The venue part of the bar pretty much emptied out after Casey's show so I assume most people were there for him.
Here are a few videos from the night with my iphone 5. I thought these videos were ok till I watched them on my computer, and they are pretty blurry...Don't know how to improve the quality. It's pretty poor. Sorry
Casey with Enrique Lara
Our selfie with Casey
Casey's set list:
Shine a Light??- not sure original artist name
Stuck in London
Can't Feel My Face- Rap Battle with audience member
Dry Spell
Smooth- Santana
Get Out
Cougar Town
Blame It On Me
Best Song In the World- Tenacious D