12-09-2015, 05:00 PM,
Posting Freak
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The Voice Finale
I usually make a post about seasons of The Voice, but this season has disappointed me in some respects. We lost some very talented artists early (Ellie & Morgan), and last night showed country power voters reigned supreme....
That being said, there are two vocalists in this finale that are utterly fantastic.
One of them, Jordan Smith..is the heavy favorite. The guy is simply outstanding. One of the best singers to appear on one of these shows.
Now Jeffery Austin..who I think I actually prefer over Jordan..is also in the finale. He unfortunately, had to sing for the twitter save because country.
Meanwhile, we have Emily Ann who was did a very good job on 9 to 5. She can't touch the first two guys, but she's also 17 and cute as a button.
After that, unfortunately..country took an undeserving spot in the finale.
Instead of Amy Vachal
Or Madi Davis
We got....Barrett Baber
12-12-2015, 02:18 PM,
(This post was last modified: 12-12-2015, 02:18 PM by Tom22.)
Posting Freak
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RE: The Voice Finale
I almost posted on how much I enjoyed the final for performances of this week's (the final 9) show.
I've been really enjoying the voice band for many seasons now (after I was so vocal about thinking they were screwing up the performances in the first 2 and sometimes the 3rd season)
I watch these shows for the complete entertainment and less so about just the competitive aspects. I know they are semi-pros singing , not big pro's so some-might be rougher around the edges that a perfect singer would be, but the amateur element adds something even if I'm not really into the competition part.
I enjoyed the elaborate staging and set artwork this week even as M. Slezak was distracted by it.
The set and accordion and jazz interpretation of this song by Madi Davis really entertained me:
Emily Ann is something special.. strong voice, good control and pitch, spunky personality, seems to connect with even words in songs that are pretty much thought as pretty light weight like 9 to 5.
Amy Vaschal really had me by the end of this performance.
I was thinking, what a beautiful thing it would be to have someone love me so much ... completely swept away by the emotion in the performance to the extent that the music was doing what it's supposed to do.. deliver a message via words and melody.
Mercfan already posted Jordin smiths very very strong "someone to love". His voice is incredible. I respect his runs a lot and they all seem to fit together in the sort of theme and variation I expect in runs.. in ways that cohesively fit with the music and are less indulgent (the competition format does sort of promote some "showing off" but there are better and worse ways ...very much so)
I don't quite bond with him emotionally on many songs but perhaps his tremendous voice and great musicality will find others.
At any rate. great Variety show musical entertainment, (including staging, solo instrumental licks, arrangement etc) for me this week... I watched a number of performances more then once.
12-15-2015, 12:56 PM,
(This post was last modified: 12-15-2015, 12:57 PM by mercfan3.)
Posting Freak
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RE: The Voice Finale
There was something off about "Blue Christmas" to me.
She did a beautiful job with "Burning House" though, and should get second for it. (Jeffery needed to be flawless to get second - and even then it wasn't guaranteed. And he wasn't.)
Emily's talented, but she doesn't hold a candle to Danielle, IMO. (Even though Michelle Chamuel is my all time favorite from The Voice. What Danielle did on that show was astounding.)
Jordan should win. His rendition of "Mary Did You Know" was, IMO, the performance of the night.
I thought Jeffery did well with his new cover, but was a little off his game that night.
I also really enjoyed both Jeffery and Jordan's coach duets.
12-16-2015, 03:42 PM,
(This post was last modified: 12-16-2015, 03:43 PM by mercfan3.)
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RE: The Voice Finale
After a kind of boring performance night, the actual Finale was very good.
Emily showed a side to her that was special, during her duet. It's amazing when such young people know who they are musically - even if it is left of center - at such a young age. Similar to Mia Z. and Sawyer, she's someone to watch. (And probably an inductee into my "Children of The Voice" thread.)
I was also so happy to see Usher back. It's funny, you watch these shows with your favorite artists and hope they don't make you dislike them. (Looking at Mariah Carey.) In some cases, you like them a little better. (Steven Tyler)..in Usher's case, I have become a significantly bigger fan. The man is pure talent. One of the few that does sing and dance live, doing both exceptionally well.
But the guy just gets it. The way he treated Michelle Chamuel, was just..beyond incredible. From spending significant extra time with her during performances, to taking the time to get to know her to make sure she was comfortable with every point in their voice process, to making sure she got to sing songs she really wanted to sing (and the care he took in choosing the songs that he wanted her to sing..) To bringing Taylor Swift to her rehearsal. To making sure he marketed her in a way that she wanted to be seen. And I could go on. And then to read that contestants of other coaches were Jealous of Usher's contestants. And then Joshua Davis called having Usher as a guest mentor one of the highlights of his Voice journey..
And then we had last night. Where, instead of promoting himself (like any artist given that spot would do), Usher made sure Jordan Smith shined on their duet. He gave Jordan the big note. He let Jordan play with the melody (while he remained to it..). He let Jordan have the high notes in the the harmony. The whole performance was about Jordan, even expressing admiration for Jordan's abilities several times. That's getting what the finale is about. (Jessie J. competed with Chris Jamison a bit, a few seasons ago..but she also seemed to get that the performance was about Chris..) Once again, it just increased my love and respect for one of the most talented and classy artists from my generation of musicians.
Tori Kelly and Jeffery were also very good, but Jeffery's voice is shot, and needs some vocal rest, and singing with Tori is no small order.
12-17-2015, 02:02 PM,
(This post was last modified: 12-17-2015, 02:08 PM by Tom22.)
Posting Freak
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RE: The Voice Finale
Merfan -- nice thoughts about the Pharrel as a coach.
It is really hard for me sometimes to separate the singer from the arrangement and musicians ... I won't elaborate too much but I really enjoyed the honkytonk build and piano player, patient bass, and violin that had a really nice country feel in her own style on that BC number.
The Piano player is the musical director I believe. He's at every rehearsal , amazingly feeling out way to go on the fly in a very interactive way.
Sometimes for me, its the voice Guitar player who just wows me, even while he tries to be diffident to the singer I'm finding myself going '''whoa that was something" after he plays only an 4 or 8 bar interlude.
Here is an interview with the guitar player from Guitar World magazine. His name is Justin Derrico
a part about the coaches and show in general. They are really far, far more than a gimmick.
Quote:Who’s the coolest coach on The Voice?
Oh no, man, you’re going to get me in trouble! They’re all really cool, but I love Blake. He’s a lot of fun, and I’m from Virginia so I’m a Southern dude like him. Me and him get along really well. He’s always cracking jokes; he’s a funny dude. Adam and Pharrell are also great. Usher and Shakira are really cool. I’ve really enjoyed working with both of them. Usher especially, is such a hard worker and a really talented guy.
So you get a lot of interaction working with them in rehearsals?
Oh yeah. They are super-involved. When we get to the live rounds, all of the decisions about arrangements are made by the coaches and contestants. The coach will come in with an idea, or we’ll start jamming on something and spark ideas that way.
That’s cool to hear they’re so involved. It’s easy to be cynical and assume its all just for TV.
Totally. When I first started the show I was thinking the same thing. You know, “They don’t give a shit.” But the reality is that they care very much. Adam for example is so competitive, especially against Blake. He just hates to lose and there’s something really cool about that.