RE: Reminder: Watch Rookie Blue on ABC (8/23/12)!
One show recap put it this way: "Nick's been driving Gail to work, and she has fun mocking his music choices."
Nick's been driving Gail to work since she was kidnapped two weeks ago.
--------------------- More on that, just for fun ---------------------
From another recap, "Jerry asks Nick about Gail's calls, and he explains he didn't check his messages until the morning...Chris confronts Nick about not answering his phone and says Gail deserves better—someone who wouldn't let this happen to her."
Seems she might have had a few drinks and took a cab, only to be abducted by the cabdriver, Ross, who drugged her. They track him down...
"Ross reveals he used to be a doctor, and Jerry goes to take out his gun, but Ross stabs him in the stomach. He returns to the basement and asks Gail why she didn't tell him she's a cop. Jerry's bleeding badly and takes out his phone. He hears Ross telling Gail "let's go" and attacks Ross when he gets the chance. They fight, but Ross knocks him out and grabs Gail, leaving the house."
You may recall Jerry was the cop whose death they were mourning in the episode we inadvertently watched last week. Seems he managed to slip his phone into the perp's pocket and was able to tell the other cops that before dying and that's how they tracked down Ross' vehicle.