(11-08-2012, 09:54 PM)Tusk Wrote: The Voice apparently played at the same time (tried it, hated the format) so there's a big chance the younger demographic was watching that instead of X Factor.
Which would make sense that some of the more 'current' acts, especially Lyric 145, suffered from their fans watching the Voice instead. Tate and Vino placing so high ahead of more current acts just doesn't make sense otherwise....
I think that's likely what happened....
I've been watching both. (I never watch anything at all live.. I bought a Tivo the first year they came out 12 years now .. and have watched virtually no live tv sense then.. i'll sometimes time things so I start late and finish the same time it does after skipping stupid stuff.)
I love the voice ... the format took a little getting accustomed to.. but remember that was just to get them down to 12..
I don't think there is a clean way to get down to 12... idols has been having those drastic first show cuts the last 3 years..
If you think of the earlier rounds more like hollywood week or something.. well .. just saying that its going to be a bit arbitrary.
What I really really like is that so much larger percentage of the show is about singing ... so much less about peoples backgrounds or small talk that is not on point about the song or performing.
I find myself never using the fast forward button... its taken me very nearly 2 hours to watch each the voice... I always replay parts of shows I like or am unsure if I heard right.. so that double part made up for commercials. I can watch most 2 hr idols shows in 40 minutes. As soon as judge starts gushing in the same way they always do and never have followed praise with specifics, i fast forward
mediocre peformance of a ballad where they're floundering or doing a karioke.. fast forward.
I've been doing a fair bit of fast forward with the Xfactor....I will say I 've overdone it and needed to go back to what I missed.
The judges just don't add much on the Xfactor.
it took me about 4 episodes to know how to read between the lines with the voice judges... they'll do that praise all contestants things a bit.. but always do bring a little more... in saying what they "hope" to see more of and reflecting on a performance in relation to how certains singers bring things to a specific song the mention that gives a clue to what wasn't there.
I love love love hearing the judges actually sing and show the contestants how things can be done in the mentoring snippets..
Hearing how well these 4 know music and can sing in giving directions on a phrase makes me admire them and wonder...
... don't I want singers who can really sing better than the contestants actually doing the judging? (Steven tyler could have.. he needed more experience and thoughts in how to give judging remarks though)