RE: Driving in Russia
a couple thoughts.
1) my take away is, don't drive in Russia.. pay for a driver. This would go for many third world destinations(I'm very wary about driving int he phillipines and though I've never been there I wouldn't consider driving in Brazil... driving in Mexico has been ok for me in tourist destinations but been scary at night off the main routes) Cab drivers in many countries without much a middle class will offer to be your chauffer for a day and be willing to schedule for other days in your stay for a fixed amount plus gas. If you're going enough places that works well for them and you'll have a cab waiting for you after visits to crowded attractions (this would be far too expensive for me in western Europe but other places it is more practical)
2) Obey the customs of the land, not the laws sometimes. Stopping at a red light in Rome was very dangerous.. came very close to getting rear ended by people never expecting me to actually stop at the red light. I've noticed these things change from year to year. Paris was crazy for some years then a Prime Ministre would make a major speech appealing to drivers sel respect and respect for countrymen (bit of a wink there.. particularly French not emphasizing the rule of law) and things would go back to law abiding for a few years until they losened up again.