(05-31-2013, 03:57 AM)30CamdenSquare Wrote: Just to go back to Tom's earlier post comparing Haley Vol. 2 as somewhat closer to "Grace Potter & the Nocturnals". I can actually see that happening more than maybe I expressed earlier.
I think Haley's new sound/image/stage presence won't be too far off from what we saw in Okinawa, especially in the "Keep Coming Back" clip. This is perfect for her IMO. It rocks, it's bluesy, Haley's more rock chic sexy than sultry here, and the interplay between Haley & John is so cool. Not to mention these are some wicked good leads by John. I know we've all seen it but here it is again...
Then I was checking out some live versions of Grace's new single "The Lion The Beast & the Beat." And I could totally see Haley going full throttle 70's classic rock chic, on some songs, like Grace does on this one. Give her a minute, she's going to come out from behind that piano at about 1:40.
I liked both of your posts Camden.. just wanted to let you know I read them.
I also liked the clips above.
I hope the rock lovers stayed with Grace 's video long enough (more than 60 seconds in. to see her take off at 90 seconds in... recording quality improves a bit by then and the whole feel changes after the introduction.. you definitely need to like LIVE music .. I expect performers to perform a fair bit differently live than in studio
--- Think if Harry (her dad) was there with Haley in the top one ! .... his natural blues drive would have helped courtney and keith to go there.. and maybe dad would even teach them a thing or two stretching them that way. And. it looks like Haley was in the mood to sing that sort of blues her dad plays and the guys weren't just quite expecting it that day with that song ?
... MAE I had some thoughts on the Dixieland Irvin Mayfield post I made.. .. I started writing an essay or two to share my thoughts there.. that would be meaningful at least in my book
a short version might appy here: .. I've got some thoughts i'm not sure how to express about the reliance a great performance by one band member relies a good deal on the foundation the performers set. Not just the accompanyment but the state of mind they've put the audience in an the themes that they've raised that get closed and elaborated on by a following performer.
... vaguely, I also have some the notion of "characters" in a play.. they're not a series of divers at the Olympics but a mix of flavors ... some with bravado, some with precision.. cant have a Romeo without a Mercutio and a Tybalt.
What I noticed in the Josh Gooch / john notto video Midnight linked?
in both Notto tape and another one with Gooch and a band in Bangkok member playing classic blues "the thrill is gone" he's so keen on lifting the whole band's performance ..
.... ... he really seems like a guy who wanted to share and encourage the other band members.. and he must have a manner of suggestion that let other band members take it in the best light (like a qb in a huddle) took whatever brief thoughts he shared to lift/adjust their game.. not imitating him but being their self a little better self. And. the smile on his face enjoying their performances was wonderfully generous...
.. a lot to read into a couple videos I know -- I have an imagination lol
I think my point was all along. (as you grasped).. wasnt' to become a different kind of singer
.. but sharpening other arrows in a quiver.. and Having a BLAST doing it! Its not about one particular person but just an approach and maybe a mindset.
With Haley's busy schedule.. I hope she still finds hours a week to just chill .. maybe have a beer and just play/sing for hours with good musician FRIENDS (that intense creative writing in greece was amazing I'm sure.. but hanging out and making music without an audience necessarily there has it's place too.. on top of the big and small performances which all add in their own way).
But. I don't want to sound like I'm giving advice. SHE and her MOM and DAD know so much more about what makes a musician that I do. ... although, I guess I could say I think it would be fun .
I liked that girl singing you linked.. she had a nice style.. I listened to a number of things on youtube and liked them but wasn't quite relaxed enough to let them soak in fully.. I'll get to them again .. i didn't ignore the thoughts!