(07-03-2013, 10:36 PM)Himm2 Wrote: There will probably be better videos of tonight uploaded from other people than what I have here. These are visions of what the Labor Day Concert will be like only that much more spectacular with Haley fronting the Band:
Thanks Himm2, these vids were great! Most of us, at one point or another, have remarked about the similarities between Patti and Haley. One of those things that Haley obviously learned from her mother is how to project her voice "out of her mouth" (and, no, by that I do
NOT mean mean that either is a "loud mouth" -- only that they both have strong (beautiful) voices and know how to project them, so that the sound doesn't stay within their mouths.)
And, for those of you who may not understand how I can make such statements, here's what I'm looking at: re-watch the first video, specifically when Patti is singing
Will You Love Me Tomorrow and observe the distance between her mouth and the mic -- particularly how strong her voice still sounds when she pulls the mic away. Haley has the same powerful pipes.
For contrast, then watch Steven Tyler, who has a very soft voice. Even when he's "supposedly" screaming, he's practically swallowing his mic. Very curious. Aerosmith must have the best boardman money can buy.
(07-03-2013, 11:25 PM)Miguel Wrote: Angie's coming into her own.
Angie's been a bud -- the bud is now blooming.