Haley's show at the Buffalo Grove Days event was without any doubt whatsoever the best I have seen from her so far. First of all this was my first time seeing Haley backed by a full band live, and what a band! Not only did Midnight's years of experience shine through, but Haley's familiarity and comfort level with them pushed her up to the next level in showmanship and energy. The entire show had the consistent feel of a full concert and not just a set of musical interludes. All the rehearsal time really paid off.
Even the atmosphere was perfect. The evening air was warm and slightly heavy with humidity, and, while I usually don't like thick air, in this case it only added to the sultry nightclub feel. So many bodies swaying and generating their own heat felt almost merged into a single entity rather than being separate people and it was so obvious that Haley AND the band both fed off that energy, helping them to perform so freely and so propulsively. So communal was the feeling there that I was able to step outside myself and without any burdensome self-confidence dance and sing and feel myself being drenched in sweat. Yes, like any really great rock concert this one had loose sweaty energy to spare. I was able to let myself go and completely immerse myself in the moment without a thought of how others may perceive me. It was freeing and exhilarating!
Even the familiar songs were given new life thanks to the organic synergy that the band produced. Songs that I have heard countless times came alive last night and every single one of them felt suddenly dance-worthy and lively. The funky rock fueled feeling of the night even made it impossible for Haley to sing the sweet bridge she usually adds to Oh My! and instead she fully committed to B.O.B's rap section and did it better than she has done it before, even at Lalapalooza. Just by the way the song felt as she sang it I knew instinctively that she would be doing the rap part, and it was perfect.
I felt certain that Haley would also be performing yet another new song last night since she had mentioned something to that effect at the Cosmo show and she didn't disappoint. Her new song is called Better and it is so good (it is actually the song from which she sang a snippet while she was in Hawaii). I love that Haley's new material really does have a feeling of developing maturity and reveals an artist on the move, one who taking full opportunity of what is around her and the contacts she has been making of late. I feel assured that she is definitely moving forward in her career and I can't wait to see what she comes up with next.
What a show. What a night. I am emotionally spent and ready for more.
PS: With further thought I suppose I have heard Haley with a full band at Pet-A-Palooza, but even that pales in comparison to last night's unforgettable show.
(09-01-2013, 02:51 AM)Miguel Wrote: (09-01-2013, 02:33 AM)Tusk Wrote: Here's my video with Miguel's audio of Better.
I also got My Cake, WIAWSNB and Beautiful, but the sound isn't near as good as Miguel's
The audio file you copied to your desktop ought to have the recordings I made for My Cake and WIAWSNB too. I haven't listened to them yet.
Okay, time to call it a night...
This video really is so good. I can't wait to get home and listen to it with my Grado headphones. Sweet!!