I agree with you completely John. it is very frustrating that Haley doesn't even have a web site to send any prospective new fans to. How can she grow her fanbase with no where to send fans online to check her out her music except her twitter,( which doesn't showcase her music), Haleyfans or to her you tube videos. (thanks to Tusk, THF, Yanni and others). Without Tusk's and other fan videos, we would have nothing.
Maybe her hands are tied ,and she's not allowed to develop the web site herself. Let's hope something happens here. She did mention at the shindig that her management company has been dealing with a lot of changes lately, and she hoped for a cool web site "soon". Or, she said, she would put one together herself. (which I kind of doubt?)
It is a fact that everyone who deals with Haley, likes her and invites her back to perform again... Mohammed Ali, Fox International, Irvin Mayfield. Her dad has mentioned that a couple times to me.
Her company probably isn't getting these gigs for her as mentioned already.
I wish she could just tour to get fans excited about her, and build up a real following. Even if it's just little places like where Casey Abrams performs. I feel like he's making a bigger name for himself these days than she is.
Here's hoping she is signed and a website is in the works!! Got to keep the faith!!