Posted in response to Haley's tweet re: Jobs
Inspiring, wise and sobering advice to Stanford's students
Jobs' story about his love of typography makes me laugh, a little.
At the Art Institute, we used to have to trace type face, measure out the spacing and height (by hand) of and learn all about fonts....
In advertising, it was critical to have a fair knowledge of fonts, styles, serif, sans serif to know which to use depending on what you were selling.
The mac's and Adobe Photoshop were a god send. The beauty and variety of fonts available was a game changer. Something we, now, take for granted
Even though I now have a deep seeded dislike of many things, Apple, I will always look back fondly on how much creativity mac's & Photoshop opened up in the world of design, for me
We should all be lucky enough to be able to live the life of passion & creativity and the sense to follow it the way Jobs did and, hopefully, Haley does