Haley was always safe, that is an optical illusion
This is my theory on the Yahoo choice. I think this move was a way to get 'cash in hand' for SMYM. The fact that they didn't really promote it, maybe because they didn't have the funds or apparatus, meant that selling the video on iTunes and loading it on YT would ultimately be a losing proposition because she would've had to count on it selling very well (w/o promotion/ dealing with taxes and accounting per units sold) and the old bugga boo of pirating, whether by copying and sharing or downloading from youtube for Free if it was debuted on YT.
There was no telling how well it would've done, no guess on the sales. So with Yahoo, it had the exclusive rights, they paid to be the recipient of all the hits from initial viewing for the the debut. The money (if indeed this was the strategy) was a known, she didn't have to rely on the uncertainty of sales, opinion and popularity.
My guess is the decision to do this had a lot to do w/ Haley not trusting the system because she's already had experience of sales possibly being affected by fans not buying, but downloading and sharing her songs, in addition to not making any money on the multiple leaked songs.
I think the Yahoo move was a proactive strategy, have a deal where you can know you can make money, instead of putting it on Youtube/itunes and trust that people will buy it even if it's Free on Youtube and downloadable. Most people will take something if it's available for free rather than pay for it.
IMO a savvy strategy given the climate of internet/sharing/piracy in addition to having to deal with the accounting process and taxes of video units sold
She lost the view count for youtube, but she got 'cash in hand'
Remember, this is all my speculation, I could be way off base
That's why I kind of wish Dannig hadn't made the "Not my choice" post. I think he and some of his friends were not used to the 'hater' reaction that Haley was all too used to and was disappointed for Haley more than himself. They are used to adoring fans as a troop, not the criticism and scrutiny from the 'general public' that Haley has endured for the past years. Up 'til then, they had a view from inside the "Halien Bubble" fans that loved and responded to any tidbit of news. Maybe this gave them a false sense of it's potential popularity. This could be why they reacted so strongly and swiftly to the haters. I think in this situation, Haley's past experiences with putting music out perhaps made her more wary, gave her more business sense than Dannig and his friends because had she debuted it on youtube, she loses control and no idea how well it would do $ale$ wise.
ps. I got my first experience of hearing Haley's music in public. I'd heard BICO before, but that wasn't just Haley. I was in San Diego, visiting my Niece for her Birthday, we decided to get Chinese take out. We had watched SMYM, she accompanied me to get the food, so we could have a talk, I wanted to encourage her to keep up with her music (
I saw her perform w/ her HS at Carnegie Hall earlier this year). I Told her one of these times, I'd love for her to come with me to see Haley, maybe meet her (She had said Haley has such a beautiful voice). I'd decided that if there was someone that would be a great role model in pursuing music, it would be Haley.
This was still the subject as we got out of the car. It took me a second, I stopped in mid sentence.... "Free" was playing on the sound system... OMG it's Haley! I said surprisingly, she listened closer.."Cool"
So weird, discussing music, encouraging her to keep at it, talking about Haley as a role model, maybe meeting her someday, then we hear "Free" as we leave the car #signs
Can't wait to hear her tomorrow