(12-07-2014, 06:18 PM)Miguel Wrote: (clip)......."Why don't we make this into a New Orleans thing using that Bo Diddley beat? And get some horns, 'cause we have a horn section there." Just make it into a fun New Orleans bluesy thing, because even songs that were sad in New Orleans had an uplifting quality to them.
I love that "because even songs that were sad in New Orleans had an uplifting quality to them" .
I feel so strongly that way about the blues and singing them that way with a solemnity filled with hope isn't something every "blues singer" actually pulls off. Too many sing with anger or dissapointment without the sound of fundamental belief that the hardship they sing of is something that will be righted one day through a destiny of a higher good (won't go further into the type of religious faith of NO and gospel based blues)
Back to Casey... not only does he (and Haley too) have that inate connection to that sort of music..
.... But.. if this is part of a Car Advertisement he's bound to get paid pretty well for his time even if he isn't the "star".
I'm not sure if singing in a commercial counts as a spoken line or how they tier payments but at least he'd be likely getting a union pay for the days of recording plus a chance or large residual payments based on how often the ads are used.
The discussion thread in the link below discusses the earnings range in what appears to be a close to first hand knowledge way:
Seems like the minimum is a few thousand dollars ... not a heck of a lot but one more source of income to pay the rent (and a heck of lot more than he got playing at Yoshii's which probably came down to selling 20 T-shirts and a few CDs as I agree he wouldn't get anything from such a small ticket sales)
For fun, I link anothe article below that describes how much money some Actors have made when they become an intrigal part of a national campaign.
They estimate the Progressive girl making 500k a year and the subway guy worth 15 million. I'd think it would be the other way around but I suppose the deal they negotiated up front and there willingness to give high "take it or leave it' risks determine whether a residual hits the jackpot or if they can demand super high payment for follow on ads.
It seems like they make money in the range of even some super-star singers these days (and I'm pretty sure that the income that Adam Levine or Keith Urban make from their "coach"/judge roles on the singinig shows also make them as much as they're making net on their hit songs these days and both have hits)
So... I agree that by being out there singing the small clubs, they get exposure to other singers and opportunities which can lead to stuff that does or could pay A LOT of money.
Couple things about that for Haley. 1) reiterating what I've said elsewhere> i think the song writing is front and center of how she(or Casey) can make her talent as a singer make her real money. For me it isn't just a "way to get by" but should be a primary focus that will give her the "longevity" as a singer/artist .... money won't only possibly make her rich but it will also let her keep singing gigs that might not pay at all to stay in the loop and limelight in addition to letting her do the other things she loves beyond the song writing.
> haley did also do that sort of "save the environment" studio singing recently > that one might have been a charity freebie but a similar one that might get included in a commercial ad campaign could pay very very well.
2) TUSK > what you're doing putting up Haley's videos in increasingly great quality really really is helping her IMO . It's clear to me that many real performers and industry people must Google her and get to see her videos you made available.
3) back to Casey... some of his fans have put up fairly decent live recordings (not as big an assortment as yours) but Casey also had done those self-produced almost professional videos of himself which must be a huge advertisement that could lead to bigger things.
> Casey's movie might be another such thing ... showing (or not.. but it won't be a 'not') he's screen worthy. Performing "nationally" might not make him any money but it does make him more than a nobody and can only help his stage presence and craft in ways that improve the quality of what he can do.