XAtlantic, I hope you do get to meet her. It is honestly one of the best feelings being in her presence. She just gives off such a warm, friendly air that makes everyone so comfortable (even though I still get really nervous but that's just me). I can guarantee you would so happy afterwards and would have a memory to last forever.
XATLANTIC:Lucky man!!!!! The best thing you can do will be enjoy Haley singing live and the whole PMJ show.If you can meet her please say HI from all
us the overseas Haliens.
So excited for you XAtlantic. You have a lovely eloquent detailed way with words and will be overjoyed to read about your first time listening to and experiencing Haley and Casey and PMJ live. I live vicariously through Haliens’ expressive stories and anticipate yours so much.
Hi all, thank you so much for all your supportive and friendly comments!
You really are terrific people, all of you!
I have been in other boards where people just can't behave and be friendly humans. I think it is very very true that: "Haliens have style!"
As for meeting Haley, we'll see whether any miracles happen! But the way I see it, I enjoy her foremost as an artist, as a singer. I have a lot of respect for her as a person. So I want to experience her as an artist, performer, singer, i.e. when she is on stage. I don't feel so much that I need to meet her or talk to her.
Of course I imagine it is nice for an artist to get feedback and find out that their work is liked, enthusiastically, particularly in new places and before they've stormed the world, and so if Haley would get that message, that would be really nice. From all the reports Haley enjoys her fans a lot and likes to mingle. So I won't be shy, but I'll also not make it my main objective. I'll take her gift of performing most of all! That's what it is all about. (Remember the times when nobody here had any direct contact with Haley at all!? How far we've come, as a group, in that, beyond all expectations. I still remember Tusk in NY NOLA just awed by being close. Keeping a classy distance. Before it all happened! Not that long ago!!)
So thanks again. And yes, if I should bump into her I'll send a million good wishes from all HF Haliens - and let her know that we're dying for the EP!
Quote:Scott Bradlee @scottbradlee 18m18 minutes ago
LA folks- #postmodernnights continues at @HYDEsunset tonight ft @ShoshanaBean @HaleyReinhart & more!
(03-04-2015, 01:08 PM)XAtlantic Wrote: So thanks again. And yes, if I should bump into her I'll send a million good wishes from all HF Haliens - and let her know that we're dying for the EP!
Enjoy the show Xatlantic. Hopefully no one tries to print out your ticket stub you attached and try to get in on your barcode, but somehow I think you are the only HaleyFans.com viewer within a thousand miles of where the venue is and even if there was I don't think any member here would be corrupt enough to try that. I do post ticket images sometimes but I always black out the bar code first.
If you meet Haley she'll help you quickly go from nervous nellie to her long lost friend.
XAtlantic, yeah it's always a good idea to check if there's 'useable' information when you post things, edit out addresses, even last names. You can never be too careful posting things on the internet.
speaking of, I got an email today
They've been a hard organization to get a hold of, weeks to reply. The only option is to send email as my phone doesn't make overseas calls. I want to pick up my ticket at Will Call, because it's an overseas delivery, with no tracking number, I'm a little nervous something might happen en route to my mail box.
But no specific response, just your standard reply emails, no indication or confirmation that I'm able to do a Will Call pick up, so hopdfully I'll get it in my box in a couple weeks