(04-21-2015, 10:08 PM)BrandHaley Wrote: Yes it is. Not until today. I had been bugging Marketing but they sounded nearly as much in the dark as I was. They knew the project was in the works, but they had no project management dates (or at least that they could/would share). Then, today I got this call from Jennifer, probably at the request of marketing (to get this guy off their back!). I don't mind pressing.
And how do you know her?
I don't know her at all. The first I'd really heard of her was when she tweeted a couple of times about being in the studio w/ Haley when she was recording her EP. Also I looked at Ole's website after I read your tweet & Jenn is 1 of only 2 Creative Managers listed. The other - Emily, is in their Nashville office.
In between that there are some other things that made me think she took over managing ZZ Ward in some capacity after Chiara left, but I'll post that on ZZ's thread.
Speaking of Jenn, looks like it's party time for Ole Bluestone. I wonder if Haley is going w/ them.
Quote:Jenn Essiembre
The squad bluestonepub sunshinelce mspencebc @olemajorlyindie on our way to jinglejared Jingle… https://instagram.com/p/1w8Jp8F9KR/
Actually mspencebc was w/ Haley yesterday when they were mixing her CD, but I don't know whether or not Haley was w/ them today.