Greg said she was great last night as well, though the crowd there was obviously less engaged than the ones at Hotel Cafe. Alot of chatter.
That Hotel Cafe performance really re invigorated his enthusiasm, even still talking about it the next day. I told him that was something I'm really happy to hear. She really needs more people to be able to see her give that kind of performance to reignite the passion most of us felt when we first fell in love with Haley.
At this point, with no serious promotion, seemingly of any type, it's performances like that and the enthusiastic word of mouth from them that might help move the gauge that would lead to more, bigger and more wide spread performance opportunities.
She said she'll be playing more gigs in LA... I hope those in the area, even outside the area, take that opportunity to get a taste of that because, that night, was something else, she was in her element and connected to the crowd and they to her.
As much as I'd love her to perform in Washington State, without promo of any kind, I wouldn't know how well it'd be attended. At least in LA, she'd get some kind of attendance, use her friends who live there to provide the music as well as not have to worry too much about travel and equipment and set up....
I think people who had the opportunity to go to the Hotel Cafe really regretted not going (it wasn't sold out) after they saw the videos from that night.
I saw tweets from people saying she should come to NY after Carnegie Hall for goodness sakes.... maybe the issue is notice, I don't know, I just think when the opportunity presents itself, I think the extra effort to travel a little farther is worth it IMO
Without the management or label to book/set up gigs, the opportunities to see her in a good venue is rare enough as it is... I'd think if you really want to see her live, then perhaps Mohammed should go to the mountain? I've never been disappointed when I've traveled to see her.
I just think she's worth the extra effort and I want as many people as possible to see her so they can spread the word about her....
I hear she's going to be back in Chicago soon, so you Chicagoans keep a heads up for any possible opportunities