(10-25-2015, 02:14 PM)JMT Wrote: I still maintain she needs a professional manager-- despite the costs involved. You would think Dina could find a reputable one? To me, Haley's at the very edge of tremendous opportunities, and all stops need to be pulled out. In business, you need to invest money to make money. I have no idea if she views her career in that way, but sometimes there are unique points in time that may never again present themselves. So far Haley has been exceptional at taking advantage of them.
With a few exceptions, I think historically Haley has let opportunities
come to her. She tried out the second time for AI after apparently receiving encouragement from representatives of the show. This resulted in a third place showing and offer from Interscope to do an album. That went as it went, but if they hadn't contacted her this site would not exist.
In 2011 she also went up on stage with Irvin Mayfield at his club and sang GBTC, which began her relationship with Irvin. His interest was probably reinforced by the fact that the video Casey made of her singing with him got far more views than anything else Irvin had on YT. The GBTC video may have also been instrumental in getting her this Monday's gig in Philadelphia, where she honors Billie Holiday.
She was invited to perform at Lollipalozza and BG Days. These were great gigs, but they had a limited impact beyond that.
In 2014 she began performing with Casey, Ballas, Dylan and others at local venues in LA. She began to perform more frequently and gained some valuable stage time. Later in 2014 Jacob signed on with PMJ, which lead to Casey's appearance, which in turn, lead to Haley's involvement. Recall that a number of us were telling Scott he should get Haley onboard as the fit was so obvious.
I agree with Kenny and Casey's mother that Casey has opened a lot doors for Haley in the past couple years:
Quote:Kenny Poo @SirKennyPoo 3h3 hours ago
@HaleyReinhart Such good stuff to enjoy! Special mention to @CaseyBassy, whose musical talent and connections has opened so many doors
Quote:Pam Pierce @pammitzp 3m3 minutes ago
@SirKennyPoo @HaleyReinhart @CaseyBassy Yes, indeed.
Her involvement with PMJ has been a fabulous success and given her an opportunity to tour and gain experience in the company of seasoned performers. It has given her a lot of exposure, and this probably directly led to her opportunity to do the Extra Gum commercial.
While her experience with Interscope fell flat ultimately there were a lot of lessons learned by her in that period; not all bitter. But her connection with Dina LaPolt seems to have turned out really well for her. She seems to have a trusted and supportive source of legal advice and protection. I don't now how she got involved with ole' but that relationship has benefited her and appears to be evolving well. And it was through her initial singup with CAA that a voice recording was made that led to her FIFF involvement.
So where I'm I going with this? (I better figure that out.)
Well, I still believe that Haley's approach to her career development has been very passive. To me "Que sera sera" implies an external locus of control with an unplanned and kind of random quality to it. Haley has relied others to give her opportunities and her focus has largely been to give a great singing performance when the opportunity comes along. She did it on AI, on her album, and with PMJ, for example. She did it in high school when her dad helped her put together a CD to send to the band leader. But in the absence some level of externally imposed structure, Haley has gone long periods without showing much. Fortunately PMJ has proved to be a great vehicle that really has gotten the ball rolling for her. She struck gold, or at least silver.
Now there is a lot to be done. There are choices to be made as she gets busier. One of the least structured aspects of her current situation may be the release and promotion of her EP. People have talked about the need for her to tour in support of her EP but I have had no idea what that looks like. But with her recent increase in fame and exposure she is likely to have more options in that regard and more things become viable (like opening for someone else).
However, with the various choices and opportunities that now present themselves I think Haley needs competent help to manage it. Managing this kind of stuff is not where her major talents lie imo.