She continues to amaze all of us with the variety of music she can produce. I love this one too, but then she had me at 'Oh Darling' ding!
Great interview...the guy is totally a Haley fan or one of the best at faking it.
Too bad we can't get a video of this interview. I would love to see all the facial expressions and mannerisms of the Hales.
Yes, Thanks Miguel for the mirror image photo header. What makes it so great is she wears her hair like that, to either side. I may have to take this one over to the Haley Hair thread for some captions.
Love this part of the interview right after the song:
Haley: "It's a wonderland of love, you know if I can't have it or if some girl can have it"....Larry London: "Oop, slip of the tongue (both laughing) now I have to ask, Are you in love? Do you have something going on in your life?" Haley: "I know how to write about love, I can put myself there, I can really put myself anywhere..."
The shipping fans can't find any boats in the harbor.
Continuing to listen to audio from Larry London broadcast, just past the mid-point of the recording where he wishes happy birthday to many foreign listeners, he gives another great tribute to Haley:
"...absolutely lovely girl...I really, really like her sound. She's got a great voice, and a very unique approach, and so I look forward to getting the album Listen Up"
More there about Larry rooting for her on Idol too. I believe he is totally sincere.