Casey stopped by to support Aubrey.....
Look who shows up in the green room on @Jimmykimmel @jimmykimmellive! It's @caseybassy ! (You know he's on my up-coming album...right?)
He's also racking up the credits as a guest performer....w/ Haley on CHFIL, w/ Jennie Lena on her new album, and apparently also on Aubrey's album.... He's posted/performed w/ #Caley friend Aly Ryan too, wouldn't be surprised if he shows up on her album too
Come out tonight at 8:30 for some music & fun ?
Playing a free show and @caseybassy will be my special guest
Speaking of Aly, she just had a photoshoot w/ SMYM photographer
Which goes to show how smart it is for Haley to stick to the 'no burning bridges' philosophy from the beginning. Theirs is a small community, everyone works w/ may not like someone now, but in the future, people change and you might find yourself working with and being helped by that person
(the opposite is true too, burn a bridge, you potentially close many doors in your future ....)