^ By the way. Sorry if I came across a certain way... I'm not demanding a HOTM for myself or anything like that.
In other words... Looks like no particular format is used to pick fans for that. Which makes you think what makes one "qualified" enough?
Haley must have some involvement. She knows who the big fans are. Thankfully she doesn't single anyone out as the so-called "BEST FAN EVER."
No matter who has been picked for HOTM or who would've been picked, it will still be sad to see it go.
I think Haley has enough fans to make an official fan club... You don't have to have millions of followers to be big enough to make a fan club. IMO
People who know Haley from PMJ, for example, could easily add some bank to Haley's songwriting endeavours if an official paid fan club was created.
I pay $40 a year for Hanson fan club stuff. It's hit or miss sometimes, but it's nice to feel like you're apart of something you know? Haley should really consider it. IMO