As I pointed out on Twitter, as an independent artist (at least in her marketing) getting this type of gig is not only about how many people listen, as much as it is about "Haley the Business Woman". We know she has superb networking skills, and it's not impossible that she makes some valuable contacts, made positive impressions behind the scenes. I was in the air returning to the US when this was on, but I can tell from the disappointed tweets that it was underwhelming, at least from the public exposure/New Music News perspective.
I continue to try to find the 'glass half full' of most of Haley's situations, any exposure with "name" media corporations is a good thing in my book. Haley's personality and people skills are well above average, and as someone that has said, time and again, she looks for signs, I certainly see that she maximizes any opportunity that presents itself
This reminded me of a Tweet she sent me 3 years ago about what she does when not performing. I believe it was the same day (or around) Habits from PMJ was released on iTunes. I was disappointed missing out on a Caley performance in LA, I think it was Room 5? Where Haley stepped in for a song or two and my hotel was really close by.
Reminds us that there is more to the effort she puts into her career than "just" singing