Honestly, at this point, ten years after Idol, ten years of following Haley and how she goes about building her career, I really have no time for people who grasp on to their decade old gripe about Haley. These people are immediately identifiable by what they post like about Haley's 'attitude' or WETF their issue is.
It's been ten years, I've decided to celebrate Haley's accomplishments and not bother w/ Hater comments, why give them that energy?
As one of Haley's more outspoken fans, it's easy for people to call me a 'homer' that I like all Haley's stuff, that my opinion isn't valid because I can't be objective... While some of that is true, I do tend to like most of Haley's songs, will support her even if I'm not 'all in' on a song...that's what a fan does.
That being said, Haley has written songs, done performances that weren't her best IMO, it's just I don't b!tch about it like
some fans we've all seen post in the comments section of Haley's videos. What good would complaining constantly do? Haley is confident in who she is, you won't change the way she does something by complaining about it for literally years. Good God! It's been a decade, you don't like something, move on to something you do like....
Those who've known me since the beginning know that who I was then isn't who I am now. I've evolved into more of Haley's way of thinking on things instead of the Tusk who'd take on any comers ten years ago. Maybe it's 'old age' but I'd rather spend my energies enjoying the projects you know Haley puts her whole heart and soul into.
"Off the Ground" is indeed different than most 'typical' songs, as is "Roll The Dice", both songs have unusual dynamics in the structure of their writing....
People have been complaining forever that all songs sound the same? So Haley puts her efforts into 'different' and some immediately disregard it because it's not familiar in the way song writing is 'usually' written. So what do you want? The same types of songs or something different?
That "Off the Ground" and "Roll the Dice" are so different in their individual compositions, really gets me excited and looking forward to the rest of the songs on the upcoming EP
Don't waste your time on the negative nancies, just enjoy the music