I hope this thread becomes a pleasant diversion when we have our periodical Haley droughts. I think Haley would approve, after all, her inspirational song choice was
Earth Song.
I find all points of view interesting as long as they are not mean spirited.

(07-05-2012, 12:26 AM)midnightblues Wrote: (07-05-2012, 12:23 AM)LovinDaHaley Wrote: This thread hasn't been removed yet? MIGUEL! HEEEEEEEELP! Tusk is being an epic dickhead! I wanted to post that Life of Brian video and he stole my idea!
n wtf
MNB, never & I mean
never take LovinDA literally or you will go crazy. Of course, that could be her underlying plan... after all, we are Haliens from another universe.