(07-13-2012, 11:21 AM)LovinDaHaley Wrote: The humor skit type acting, especially in "Biggus Dickus", is sooooo fricken good! They really are as good as that gets. If people can't laugh at the Monty Python group what can they laugh at? It just seems to me that any funny bone would be susceptible to at least some of their tickling. No?
I think part of the problem is because people hear the English accents and reference to things like Philosophy and politics, that they think the humor is too 'high brow'.
Let it be known that Monty Python is not beyond sight gags and gross out humor.
WARNING SICK CHILDLIKE CARTOON HUMOR INCLUDING EXTREME VOMITING, SWEARING AND AN EXPLODING OVER EATER (and a 'female' joke that some might not appreciate in this absurdist context)...if you're sensitive don't play