RE: Concerned About Second Single
I think concern equals caring, and what all of us are trying to say is we care about her and are concerned that she is given the proper attention and investment she deserves to succeed. I think Interscope still believes in her, as does 19, but they need ROI to back that belief and since sales have been tepid, and her music style unorthodox, they likely see her as somewhat of a risk, albeit a talented one with beauty, sex appeal, intelligence, and work ethic all factoring into a big potential upside.
I'm not an expert, just a fan and layman, but as one I see Interscope being a bit confused about how and to whom they best should be marketing and promoting her (i.e. the foolish miscalculation of following 50k Bieber & One Direction twitter fans who simply aren't her demographic). BoB is a way for them to soften the risk and marketing confusion, because he brings a real hit-making body of work to trust their investment to. He also has a big, established fan base to draw from, and will make radio feel more comfortable adding Haley to their rotation.
The problem is he's really not Haley's music style beyond this cameo, and his fans are probably not the type who will buy her album or become part of her fan base. It also risks the "sell out" label from serious music lovers who will mock his milquetoast rap and criticize her for adding him simply as a hired gun to pad her sales stats. Thus, it's still sort of a mixed bag...every pro has a con and every con has a pro.
In the end, anything that helps Haley I'm in favor of. If the experts think the pros of BoB will outway the cons and help her success than I'm all for it. Personally, though, I just cringe at the possibility that Haley could get lost in the BoB name. I would rather she get all the acclaim for the hit, and become successful without this crutch. Later in her career, when she has big superstar cachet like Taylor Swift and can carry the day, than fine.
My top choice for a single from the opening day of snippet release has been Spiderweb. I think it has all the elements to be an absolute monster hit, and fits everything Haley herself wants to be as an artist. I know it won't happen, but I sure wish it would.