RE: Pia Toscano Parts Ways With Interscope, 19 Management
She's a pretty girl, so what? She has a beautiful voice, again so what? Her problem, besides her lack of stage presence, is that there's nothing distinctive and unique about her, neither visually nor vocally. Now I don't always agree with Simon Cowell but it says something if he turns you down 5 times! The reason James, Casey, Haley and Naima were my S10 top 4 was because they all brought new styles to the show: metal, jazz & reggae (I could include Scotty as well for bringing traditional country but I'm not into that). That they brought something new to the show which was never done before showed me that they can think outside the box and are capable of bringing something new to music biz - they have imagination, they are creative - that's why I was interested in their post Idol stuff. And it doesn't matter to me if what they did was done before decades ago, what matters is those elements are absent from the current music scene, so they will still be different and unique. Christina Aguilera's 40s inspired Back to Basics album was a masterpiece and a huge hit because it made her stand out and she sold it, she was convincing. Then when she basically copied Lady Gaga with her Bionic album she flopped.