RE: Any word of a fall tour?
A larger tour seems like it has more financial risk to it than reward at this point There is nothing a label/management company likes less than losses I'd guess.
If they keep seeing -some- money rolling in from their cut of song royalties and feel like pushes for high profile invites are well recieved , the takers are grateful to have had Haley afterword, and Haley is making some of her own too... well, I think its much easier for them to stick with her than if they spent buddles of $ and calling in favors on tours and single promotions that didn't pan out financially well.
Being with a big label will help Haley get that extra push behind her songs/album when they do start to get a following from things like placments or a more viral growing interst... I'd rather them continue to think "potential" and "hmm, we're making some money.. this might still have some life potential" rather than... "we threw what we could at it and failed.. .. cut our losses"