(01-07-2013, 06:08 PM)kaypea Wrote: It seems that some people thought her performance was too "stiff" or too laid back.Then again one of those also posted that when she was on Idol that after the first couple of weeks she sang the same song everytime-which is actually pretty funny-all you can really do is laugh at comments like that.
Well, laughing really is the best response, since between "too stiff" to "too laid back" one has run about a 180 degree difference. And, "Moanin'" sounds just like -- oh, let's say "Blue."
Obviously, "said posters" have both extremely selective hearing and memories. (And the "sound alike" songs were probably her performance night performances, as opposed to result night duets with someone else.) But, for anyone to remark that "all of her songs sound just alike" is someone who has a far more pronounced hearing loss than I do (the primary reason I chose not to pursue a career in music). Utterly ludicrous!