Posted at MJ's,
In this interview, Nigel says he's been wanting to do this for years and is chagrined since XF did it last year that now it will be perceived that AI is 'copying' XF
Quote:It’s very amusing to me. It’s something we’ve wanted to do for 8 or 9 years. We did it in England with Pop Idol. I’ve always been stopped doing it in this country with people saying ‘Oh no, people will stop voting if you show that the one person is winning–like a Carrie Underwood who won every week–people will stop voting.’ We always fought that back and said, ‘Well no…just because my soccer team is number 4 in the league, doesn’t mean to say I’m going to stop supporting them. I’m going to support them more.’ All of a sudden, they managed to do it on the X Factor. I was a little…’Damn. It now looks like we’re going to be copying them.’ The one thing I believe about American Idol, is that everybody else copies American Idol. Yes, I thought it was a good move. It doesn’t stop people voting. It makes them more passionate to see their person do well. I liked it. We’ll still discuss it. I’m not sure how we’ll do it
Showing where the posts are coming from, regionally?
Quote:I also like the idea of doing…like the conferences like the NBA do. Let’s see how the west voted for you…let’s see how the east voted for you…and build the figures up so you can see where the votes are coming in from. I think it would be exciting. I think we’d see if they’ve got hometown support.