RE: Casey Abrams- Stage it Show- Jan 24, 2013
Recently, I had watched some older videos of Casey and Haley performing, specifically their Miracle Mile Chicago performance around Thanksgiving in 2011 and they really have a great chemistry together and are just fun to watch. You can tell they are really good friends who enjoy spending time together. Also, from Idol, I know everyone loves "Moanin" (as do I), but wow, they were incredible on "I Feel The Earth Move" too.
I was thinking that if we were back in the 1970s, they would have been great hosts to a variety show like "Sonny and Cher" with skits, guests and music (of course!). But, those days are long gone.
But I am hopeful that maybe they decide to do a "Stage It" show together, and maybe down the road, some live performances together.