RE: Casey Abrams- Stage it Show- Jan 24, 2013
Casey is who and what he has been. Look at his personal vids, his show vids, his interviews.. I don't how if you've seen these, you can expect anything any differently. I went in expecting spontanaity, musicality, humor and interaction as well as being there for support and IMO, mission accomplished. Maybe someday in the future his perspective and goals change and he moves another direction, but for now, this 21 yr old is living the life while entertaining his fans.
It's sort of like some of the comments I saw from James' Fans about Haley. I do believe some of them like Haley's potential, but they are entertained by a different type of performane, more activity, more energy, bang for their buck. So what Haliens may see as nuance and adorkable, they may see as boring and self absorbed, or not even trying. From each perspective and expectation, everyone draws their opinion, so I try to not engage in their critique knowing what they expect as entertainment, because I can enjoy both high energy stadium rock as well as 'jazz-cool' nuance in a club
As you know, I like the Beatles, to Judas Priest, to ABBA, to Olivia Newton John...partly due to some of my youth being from outside the States, but also because each of these give me something different that I enjoy...I don't get annoyed because Judas Priest don't have the angelic vocals of ABBA and I'm not annoyed that ABBA don't write enough metal guitar into their songs..
JMO...I was entertained and I enjoyed listening to Casey play his instruments.