The top tipper from Casey's stage it show won a video chat and private concert via Skype with Casey. It was today and she posted it on you tube.
Quote:Sweet P/Halien @HalienCourtesy
So if you hadn't seen it's my chat with Casey
Watch at:6:50-7;02- Katie (Sweet P)asks If song Get Out is about Haley
8:00-8:30- Casey talks about his homeless video
Quote:Sweet P/Halien @HalienCourtesy
@haleyobsession it was amazing and he was so nice
Part 2 includes talk about Haley!
Watch at: 00:28-1:24-Casey talks about Haley buying a piano
...............6:57-7:09 Our Haleylvr4evr asks question to Casey!
Part 3
Part 4
Watch at: 0:56-1:48 Katie gushing over Haley and Casey