(02-24-2013, 06:49 AM)Jastal Wrote: Great experience and thanks for sharing all the details. I love hearing about others who have caught the Haley-bug; it makes my obsession feel more ok. Like the other Halien's I am very jealous of your experience but it was well earned. It sounds like a great way for her to earn some money, sing live, have a great time and who knows...maybe it planted a seed that will grow into something more. What do you think were the favorites of the night?
Her covers got the best reaction for obvious reasons (those who don't know her, know the song and can appreciate what she does with them)...she was very playful which enhanced the performance.
(If you weren't aware, the piano Keith used, is one of those that you can program to play on it's own...when Haley first entered she was happily surprised that they were playing Beatles tunes on it....also, after the show, someone in the crowd yelled to Keith, "That Piano has NEVER been played like that" to which Keith beamed a smile of appreciation)
The hosts had two big and friendly dogs that managed to get out and sniff around the area. One time, one of them started making his way to where Haley and Keith were performing, and in mid lyric, Haley sang "doggiee..." LOL
I admit "Undone" is not tops in my list. I loved it when it first came out, but I can also see how some aspects of the song are unrelateable (to me, anyway) and lost some of it's freshness. I didn't expect that she would sing it but was pleasantly surprised when she did. As you might expect she added and played with the tune, when she sang "Undone" near the end, it wasn't like a 'wail', but a softer, sadder interpretation. So that brought a freshness to my ear.
I wanted to suggest "Now That You're Here" (IMO the song that Haley and Keith are magical together on), but again, not my thing to be 'over reaching'....
I guess BATJ was the best combination of performance, crowd participation, and on top of that there was Keith being challenged in mid song to do the solo "I love to put him on the spot"