One way to do a tour
Lauren Alaina is in town at a venue with 1000 seats, tickets $29-$60 and sold out. How does she do it? There are 6 other girls in the show and all have some fans. Share a band, share a bus, share a promoter and it's a smart way to make some money and play for a large crowd. Being backed by a good band and playing to a large crowd who's whiling to spend some money is a better way to promote then siting on a stool for 50 or 100 fans without a band because you can't afford to pay them. No need for Lauren to have an act that that lasts for 1 1/2 hrs. She just has to sing 4 songs. Plus she's getting good experience to fine tune her performances based on crowd response with a crowd that my not be all dedicated fans.
I think she has a smart manager.