(03-12-2013, 08:43 AM)Tusk Wrote: Got a reply today with a couple things of interest to what we have discussed:
...It only does good to turn as many on to her as possible, and it's seems that's what those folks and yourself are trying to do. It was nice of them to get her CD's out to the many newcomers that were there. We were ecstatic that it went so well. It does our hearts so good, especially being so far away, to hear when people take it upon themselves to push her and believe in her as much as you all do
The "you" he is referring to is not just me, but all of Haley's fans who take time to help promote and keep the conversation alive. The Reinharts really do appreciate what We do.
Thanks Tusk for relaying part of the conversation you had with Haley's dad. It's nice to hear how they appreciate all of the efforts to support Haley.
I wonder if any other idol's fans have a similar relationship with family members like we do. I feel this may be special due to Harry and Patti's musical background.