Pia just addressed one of her fan sites.
Her remarks are in the form of a series of brief comments, similar to tweets. I'm posting them all at once in letter form.
Quote:Pia Toscano:
Pia here. Unfortunately, I feel the need to defend myself which is something I didn't think I needed to do on Two very special places I look to for support and as an escape (from) the negative world we live in.
First off, Jared and I have known each other for years. He co wrote Old You Back with me and is now doing some co writes on my albums. Secondly, I'd like to address a few specific people on here who I will not name because you know who you are.
When I responded to a fan on twitter the other day saying I only have control of a few things, I was simply just stating that I do not control release dates and negotiations at the present moment.
I am blessed with a wonderful team who has been working harder than ever on getting my project out to the public. Harvey and Damon have created a magnificent project with me that I could not be more proud of.
However the strategy that we have requires a bit more time, as I have been going through development as an artist which is now unheard of these days and the very reason why so many upcoming artist fail.
Because they come out to soon and simply just aren't ready. I was once that artist. However, Harvey, Damon, Mark, Tom, Jeff & I are in this for the long haul and are now doing things the right way.
No artist emerges over night and in fact ALL of our favorite artists have been dropped and shelved. When you come from American Idol, you are expected to become a star over night, and for some that does happen, but for most it doesn't because it just simply isn't natural.
Artists spend years perfecting their performance, music, and writing before they show that to the world. Which is why they are so polished. I believe that is the way it should be done in my opinion.
With this now being my second chance, we want to make sure all of our ground has been covered so that we are prepared to face and achieve it all.
I am not here to be an over night "Here today, gone tomorrow" success story. I am in this to have a stable career and I am certainly in this for the long haul.
Trust me, it would have been a lot easier to just throw in the towel a year ago, but that isn't me and never will be.
So if you are getting antsy and impatient and choose to fire off ill informed thoughts in your mind, then do it. But the truth is, your assumptions are incorrect. Have a little faith & know that our strategy is not public knowledge yet.
Thank you for your support, and to most of you for having patience & believing in me.