that which shall not be named
Ok... well , to avoid to much beating, I won't name the song I've expressed my love for that universally attracts almost contempt elsewhere .....
But, I'm sort of curious if you all see a connection between the emotions of that one that I like, and these two below that to me have very similar sentiments and journey implied in them....
.. and in my mind.. have a haunting past of some loved and lost implied end in a sort of jaunty/heroic acceptance to move forward optimistically despite the memory for lack of better words.
I prefer the versions that start a bit more somber than that one but it was easy to link and I liked the lyrics translated which were rather dark even as I find the song headily uplifting at the end.
I definitely put those two somewhere in my top few hundred melodies I love. Even Bobby Darin's cheesiest version carries the underlying sweep of sentiment from post-war France.... the cheese can't distract me (there is a pun in there)... cheesy "under the sea" words aren't as cheesy to me as I tend to take them allegorically(and some how "under the sea" sounds more sophisticated with bing singing it than Bobby singing the english translation....but my mind gets past that). I think that take as much meaning from what the melody says to me as the words (I can enjoy the songs equally well sung in languages that I don't understand... but the singer pronouncing words, not just scatting is important as words come of the tongue with their own emotions.
I can hear the hurt in the past in both of the songs and and almost willed rakishness to be cheerful forward with the memory of sorrow. I wonder if other people here these two melodies that way without hearing a lyric.
I'm curious people find the two above very similar to each other ?
(or(cringe) at all similar to the odd one I went on and on about )
One thought.
I'm thinking that a complex emotion like "Nostalgia" can be expressed with words sung.. even if those words are "scrambled eggs" and the melody is apt for it. A person playing a musical instrument could also evoke the emotion of nostalgia by how they attacked notes but a midi type even tone sound notes played by a computer could probably not.
But.. another thought.
Do all people treasure the feeling of nostalgia equally ?