RE: The Beatles - Anything and Everything
Well, I was just browsing through some other stuff, when I ended up on a page that had a photo of Oprah (and Stedman -- he comes across as a "steady fellow" so Stedman's a good name for him), and the outfit that Oprah had on looked very similar to what she appears to be wearing when seated next to Sir Paul.
Turns out, Oprah was also honored that year. (I'd wondered why she was seated next to him -- I was struggling with the connection. I no longer am.) So, to honor Oprah, at least one of the ways, to acknowledge her efforts in bringing Color Me Purple to film and to stage. So the song "I'm Here" from the musical version of the show -- was sung by (to quote Miss Candice Glover) the "amazing Jennifer Hudson!"
It's not quite full circle, but it's back to AI which is how most of us learned about the "astonishing Miss Haley Reinhart."