It was incredible to me, that for a singing competition..the sound was so terrible.
My issue with Idol as of late has been how they treat people. Haley, in a lot of ways, had a storybook run. And I really do think she grew as a performer because of it. Haley walked into the top 12 as the best singer, but she didn't know what to do with her body and stage. And by the end of her idol run, she was simply too good for the show.
Idol has done a lot for her. Because of it, she got the opportunity to create an incredible album. She's made a ton of celebrity connections and is a part of the idol alumni community. (Not a bad thing to have Adam Lambert and Kris Allen on your side.) She's been signed to Ole..which, the biggest and best thing that has happened to her to date. I don't know if any of this happens if she's on any of the other shows.
But I can't get away from how she was treated as a person. From the women's issues (She was objectified. I could honestly write a book about it.) to what was essentially bullying (Where the two youngest people still in the competition ended up speaking out against it.). That doesn't happen on The Voice. And if she makes it decently far, than she's made a huge connection. Not only that, but Haley would have much better odds of winning that show than winning Idol. (The Voice audience loves the talented female singer. The last two seasons, the top two have been so.)
So, I'm glad Haley tried out for Idol. It was easily my favorite Idol journey of all time. But..just caring about Haley as a person and seeing some of the patterns that idol tends to do to women..sometimes I do as "what if." (And Haley's a much more positive person, and probably appreciates Idol a lot for what it's give her...but these are just fan whims..)
As for the's a terrible show..but if Simon liked her, he might have helped her. But I'm glad she wasn't a part of it.