(06-22-2015, 02:36 PM)Himm2 Wrote: ^^ can you enhance the audio on my "Imagine" Youtube? .... i welcome it on your channel if you want.
(06-23-2015, 04:22 PM)buzzenator Wrote: Tusk you're welcome to use any aspect of my Imagine video.
BTW...nice work on all the Team Haley Fans posts...what an excellent fan base!
Thnx... The only thing that makes it 'work' is if I worked on Buzz's audio and used Himm's video. Unfortunately, as cool as the close ups are, when I grab Steve's video from youtube, it's only 46mb. For comparison, even if Buzz's video takes up appx 1/3 of the screen, Buzz's video is 3 times larger than Himm's at 154mb.
Unless I can get Himm's original file, this file, at 46 mb (including audio, so even less for video) in HD is too small and is going to look pixilated. One way to trick and simulate better resolution is to shrink the viewing area, similar to 'letterboxing', basically making more pixels in a square inch.
Here's Himm's vid, shrunk down (for resolution) with Buzz's audio w/a little hifi equalizer applied to it
Also, the Youtube snagged file looks a bit faded, again, probably due to it's small size. If you look at Buzz's, his video is brighter, more colour, more detail. Because it's larger and therefore higher resolution.
A way to fix that is either bring up contrast or saturation, but again, the lower resolution limits how much. A way around that, which i've used with video that have colour/satruation/ or lighting issues, is to turn it black and white. Like I had to do w/ the Solano Beach video of Creep, and the Berlin video of Habits. Turning it black and white also lessens the impact of the light streaks in Himm's video
Just explaining why, if I were to put it on my channel, I would have to do what I did due to the video's low resolution and size
This video, I played around a bit with audio software I just got. Helped remove/dampen more of the 'crackling' sound that you might hear in the original audio