(10-24-2015, 08:37 AM)buzzenator Wrote: Wow...poor little Haley, so taken advantage of...forced to sing a song on her first record that took her to such a horrible place. Is this your story?. I seem to recall that Haley didn't like the repetitive lyrics of singing the word Undone so many times.
It's not
my story, it's what she said when asked about the song and the writing of it
If it was Just about singing repetitious lyrics, like you're saying, that would cut out so many songs that she has no problem singing.... her coming single, "Better", being one
Haley has publicly said and shown she is not particularly fond of singing the song, her body language, when asked to perform it at the private party, re enforeces her hesitation to sing it... it's not
merely about the repetition in the song... a way too simplistic explaination for her unwillingness to fully embrace a song that has been shown to be possibly the most popular song on Listen Up!
I don't and haven't disagreed with the contention she is in a business and owes it to herself and her career to at least give it a go, but something doesn't let her get there, in her mind... and it's not only because it's repetitious... her favorite band of all time, The Beatles, has a whole library of repetitious songs that I'm fairly sure she'd have no problems singing....
There was a long article, I'm trying to find it right now, where she talks about Undone specifically, that it was Interscope's idea to put a ballad in and that it took her to a place she was not familiar with.. it might be deleted, I've found some old links that no longer work....
But in this interview about Listen Up!
The interviewer asks her about "Undone".... not only listen to her response, but look also at her body language, trying to find the right words .... even though she acknowledges the great response to it, you can see her hesitation, she even says, she might get comfortable with it the more she sings it.... (which obviously never happened, she's sung it live, maybe 5? times that we know of?)
Note, she says, "I got pulled into it"