RE: Children of The Voice
Sawyer's Moms words about the collaboration with Mia. When Sawyer was asked about it by a follower. (via FB)
" Sawyer Fredericks This proud mama wants to answer this question
When Sawyer and Jamie Hartman began writing this song in LA, Sawyer immediately could hear Mia's voice in the track. But here he was, so new to working with a label, so he didn't know if he'd be granted this wish. It seemed to take a while to get approval (well, it just felt long because we only had so much time to write and record in LA). Sawyer even wrote and recorded the song as both a solo and a duet, just in case we couldn't get clearance on having Mia. It wasn't until we were back in NY state that we got the go ahead! So we drove the 7 hours to join Mia in a studio in Pittsburgh.
These two prodigies, with their family as cheerleaders, but no other producer, label rep, or professional songwriter in sight, just one sound tech recording every take, worked through all the phrasing and harmonies and ad libs, on their own. In a matter of a few hours. Jamie checked in via Skype, and quickly decided they had this- said just keep doing what you're doing! Together they composed 3 part harmonies! (Mia is especially a natural at this-Sawyer was learning so much from her.) I'm still blown away by the memory, and feel so honored to have been witness to their innate talent and the obvious joy they get from working together.
And on a side note- Jamie Hartman did a fantastic job of producing this song, supporting Sawyer's request to have all live musicians tracking together on this, rather than synth instruments, or solo tracking sessions. Some of our favorite musicians in LA are on this song, including Victor Indrizzo on the drums. (He is also on Lovers Still Alone, and many songs that will be on the full-length album in Spring.) We are all so incredibly blessed and so excited for the success of this song.
I know Mia's family (wonderful, talented, and authentic people) feels the same way.
So obviously this is Kirsten!! Because Sawyer would have probably answered you with 4 words and 3 emojis"
Sawyer also co-wrote the song (and had the lead credit.) Amazing. These kids are so young..and to be that sure of themselves and knew who they are musically..(and with what they are capable of..)