(06-22-2012, 07:52 PM)My Alter Ego Wrote: John, I would respectfully disagree that she continues to grow as a "singer." Her singing/vocal ability is now the largely the same as we heard while she was a contestant on AI and she probably doesn't need to grow much there.
But she does continue to grow as a performer, as displayed in her ability to vary each performance. But more than anything else, her sense of phrasing/styling, continues to mature. When I use the term "phrasing/styling" (and, usually, I'd just say "stylist"), I mean that ability to know what to emphasize, when to hesitate, when to rush, when to pull back, etc. Sinatra and Ella had that -- Tony Bennett does as well. Not bad company for Haley to follow...
I agree with these paragraphs. Thank you, "performer" and "stylist" are better words. I am eager to watch her develop as a stylist/performer.
She may be tired, and doing these gigs (interviews, etc) may get to be a grind at times, but I believe her performance on the show reflected a style she
choose, not the impact of fatigue or sadness. I expect she will changes things more often now, if just to keep it interesting. As you noted elsewhere she seems to have good musical chemistry with Keith, which will allow her more freedom to confidently change things and improvise (as with the Bay City HOTRS).