I think they are 'young country' up here, but then again, I don't listen to country music, so very possible they've played Scotty, It's just not in my sphere of attention.
Many of the 'rock' stations up here seem still in the '90's "Grunge" era as, more than likely, Nirvana, Pearl Jam, Soundgarden, Alice in Chains will be on the radio, even Hole gets airplay up here....
I should qualify, that, before Haley, I stopped listening to 'music' radio stations as much as I once did, and switched over to Sports or News talk radio (a story I've noticed many of Haley's older fans tell, as well).
I'd gotten tired of searching for music that did anything for me in the current landscape. I had begun going back and listening to music of my youth and early adulthood for my music.... So I'm not really one to ask about the trends in music in the Northwest.
When I do listen to rock music stations up here, they do tend to be stuck in the '90's and early 2000's though....